Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Prague, November 10, 2011

The Astronomical Clock at the old town hall, dating from the late 1400's.  Every hour the doors above the clock open and show the saints and the figures next to the clock move.
Prague, Czech Republic, is an incredibly beautiful city.  We are staying in the Old Town.  It is a great city to walk and wander.  Today we visited Prague Castle.  The Castle grounds include architecture from every period over the last 1200 years.  We also walked across the Charles Bridge and enjoyed the sights.  The weather is cool - low 50's and it gets dark about 4:00 PM.  Prague is six hours ahead of Florida time - so at 3:30 PM in Florida, it is 9:30 PM in Prague and Germany.
The entrance to Prague Castle.

A chapel for St. Wenceslas in St. Vitus's Cathedral.  (As in the Christmas Carol  "Good King Wenceslas."

Inside St. Vitus's Cathedral - part of Prague Castle.

View from the Charles Bridge

A view from the walk down the hill from the Castle.  You can see the Vltava River and part of the vineyard.