The Lime Tree Restaurant - Formerly a school |
One last pub visit - this was the barber shop in the pub! |
"IRELAND SUMMARY" Farewell Dinner Poem
by Jo
Twas the walking tour of Ireland, when all through Shannon Airport,
Await the arrival of 15 walkers, and head South to West Cork.
Dave & Jo see Randy, Melanie, Beth, and Carol, pulling luggage with care,
But after a l-o-n-g wait, we knew the others just weren't there:-
"July 6, destination Ireland" is what their ticket said,
But -- the remaining 9 were stuck in Chicago instead:-
We six must move on!!! We met Dennis and boarded his bus
And left for "Sea Breeze" B & B, without creating a fuss.
Twas there we met Maeve, full of energy, smiles, and chatter
Hmmm, tomorrow will we rest or walk?...we knew it was the latter:-
Away to Dursey Island we flew like a flash
By way of Ireland's only cable car, an exciting five minute dash!!
Maeve, Melanie, Randy led, "signal tower mountain" they did pick;
Beth, Dave, & Jo made it...just not very quick:-
When what to our wondering eyes did appear
As we returned to the Sea Breeze in Castletownbere?!!
"There's Tom, There's Mary, There's Craig, Chris, and Vicki!
And Marcie, And Jane; And Harlan and Peggy!!!
Together at last, a most awesome group,
But no luggage for Vicki.....OH POOP!!!
To Bere Penninsula by ferry we came,
Walked to the lighthouse; sat on a hill there, and gazed.
Mary's eyes how they twinkled, her dimples how merry,
Here at this magnificent coastal view on this Irish island derry.
A great place for "birding" for Craig, Chris, Randy, and Tom,
Excited with binocs and lenses, they still had to remain calm.
26 birds on their list from their 15 mile walk this day;
21 of these were new birds -- they were grateful for Bere Bay.
Marcie went to great lengths for us, seeking the basket shop,
Looking in windows, tapping on doors, her efforts one could not stop.
Finally an Irish man opened the door; from his nap she did arouse,
His answer, "No this in not a shop...it's just a plain old house:-"
On the road we met a distraught German girl, whose group to her was unkind,
Her paths crossing with Beth, Vicki, Marcie, and Jane for her was a real find!!
And let's not forget by the side of the road was a fenced-off breeding pen.
Jane's punchy comment to Harlan and Peggy...well, I think that will remain unsaid. (But read between the lines:-)
The weather was...uh...unfortunate, for Aillihies group walk and copper mines,
Because of pelting rain and wind, stuffed in a little beach house we did dine.
Yet...to the top of the mountain, through the soggy wet bogs,
Over cow pies in pasture, we continued in this white cloud and fog.
OR.... we continue in this white, dreary, cloudy, rainy, cold, windy, blinding, blustery, biting, bleep, bleep, bleep fog:-)
When most of us were dragging, one of us was not,
Melanie would zip around, endless energy she has got!!
She was energized by Harlan & Peggy's treats, the rest of us would just roam,
But, Harlan we just have to know, are you still carrying around those scones???????
And then in a twinkling, Maeve said "Head for the bus!!"
Only one more slippery slope to descend, not TOO much of a challenge for us!
As I drew in my head and was turning around,
Down that slippery slope Vicki and Dave came with a bound!!!!
To get dry and warm was our goal; BUT HOW??
Jane's answer, "What I wouldn't give for a hot flash right now:-"
Marcie"s suggestion of a tea room made us content as could be,
Irish education continued with the discovery of Irish coffee....
And for Carol, her answer was easy and fun!...
She would meet her new best Irish friend -- Jamison!!!!
John Martin Murphy at dinner that night,
Sang us "Danny Boy", and everything was right:)
He gave us scones, shared bottles of liquor; told stories and rhymes,
Said, "The day was SO windy, a hen laid the same egg 7 times:-"
Colorful and happy Eyries, like something out of a Dr. Seuss Book,
Many bought fun funky gloves, and the village wedding made everyone look:)
We had a beautiful coastal walk, pretty rocks, spectacular views;
The day concluded with Maeve's concert, sitting in "Church of Ireland" pews.
We explored the Lakes of Killarny, 14 miles of it by open top boat,
Searching for Eagles and docking on islands, after leaving near Ross Castle moat.
More awesome sites, woodlands, old bridges and waterfalls; as we walked the Kerry way;
More laughs, outdoor dining, and memories, between there and Kenmare Bay.
We were introduced to Daniel O'Connell, and invited into his home.
Walked beautiful gardens, observed dating snails; ate lunch at the beach on the sand:)
Maeve wrapped up our Ireland tour on this port,
Just one last stop...Staige Round Stone Fort!!
Thank you, friend Marcie, for inviting and promoting this trip,
And to friend and guide Maeve, for sharing your country, knowledge, and wit!
So raise your glass high, Put on a BIG Irish Grin!!
"Slanche" to all, We now are all kin!!!!