Thursday, June 28, 2012

Satitbangna School

Satitbangna School is a private school that is implementing The Leader in Me.  Dr. Aree, the director is 84 years old and going strong.  She retired as a university professor and started as the director of the school 18 years ago.  The school includes K-12 students.  I visited the primary classes and met with the Lighthouse team.  I felt like a celebrity!  Many Thai schools have a system of Kindergarten 1-3 (Age 3,4,5 classes) and Primary 1-6 (like our grades 1-6).

Sample of 3rd grade work

A music classroom
A primary classroom
The high school Red Wolf media team - my own paparazzi!
My friend El was very fluent in English and guided me around the school.