Saturday, October 11, 2014

Elementary School Visit - NoordRijk

Elementary School Visit - NoordRijk

This is a new school - just opened in January.  It is very colorful and full of windows.  The school has children from age 5-12, a preschool from age 10 weeks to 4 years, and an afterschool program.  The school is located in the midst of some new development.

Our first view of the school.
A beautiful playground - including trees to climb.

Interior view.

A gallery at the front of the school with a display area for projects.

The gym - after 5:00 PM it is used by the local council for sports.
Smart board configuration in a classroom of 8-9 year olds.
View of a 5 year old classroom - lots of light and windows looking out on the neighborhood.
A look into a classroom.  Beautiful furniture.
Each child has a "Lice Safe" bag for their coats.
Example of a word wall.
Alphabet cards in Dutch. 
A board for center activities.
Activity cards based on multiple intelligences. 
A chart of multiple intelligences in a resource type classroom for gifted students.