Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Travel and First Day in Amsterdam
Lucky me - TSA Pre-Check and an empty seat next to me on the plane.  A nice luxury!

Arrived in time for some sightseeing in the Jordaan area.  In the past laborers and craftsmen used to live in the crisscross of little streets.  Many bridges across the canals and bicyclists galore.  The West Church is shown in the picture.
 Many trendy shops, pubs, and antique shops like the one with the old Delft plates below on display.

The Albert Cuyp market is the largest daily market in Europe. The threehundred different stands sell everything, from fish to clothes and from fruit and vegetables to Dutch cheese. 

Our group of 40 educators from across the United States had dinner in a North African Restaurant in the Market area called Bazar. Great food in a former Synagogue with beautiful tile work and middle eastern decor.