
The Caland Lyceum is the only Technasium training in Amsterdam. Technasium provides science education for curious students with VWO (pre-university level advice. Pupils are given six hours a week the box Surveying & Design. In those hours, they are challenged to come up with solutions and to ensure provocative 'issues' ideas.

Those challenges are provided by parties from society and business, as the municipality of Amsterdam, KLM and Ballast Nedam. Technasium pupils - boys and girls - to design and improve, innovate and present. Every six weeks to start the students in teams on a new project. Among the projects they are working on skills (work plans, presenting) and skills (working with computer programs, one-stop-motion movies make). In the sixth year students can do a master proof, which is equal to a profile.
When registering for Technasium (only pre-university level) should during the conversation with the school show that the student has sufficient skills for Technasium features.
Technasium the Caland Lyceum is the only one in Amsterdam.

A wonderful interactive presentation using socrative software and discussion with the teachers.

Good advice as we ended the morning.